What are Estimates and Proposals?

Estimates and Proposals in Interior Design Projects

Hatim S
Written by Hatim SLast update 3 years ago

Estimate tool will help you create really very quick quotes/ estimates for your clients. Inside every project, you will find an estimate section, where the data of its estimate will remain safe. You can refer to your previous estimates whenever required, as well as make edits in the middle of the project as per requirement.

Proposal will help you create a PDF of the estimate that you have worked on. In addition to the estimate, you will be able to attach Products(from your My Products data) and Reference Images. More data like your Company's logo and its details will be displayed in the Proposal from your Company Details information in My Profile. 

Making edits and downloading the PDF as per client changes will become very easy for you with the Estimate and Proposal tool.

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